4K Virtual Pinball Machine VPX PC RTX 3060 12gb Visual Pinball Future Pinball

Brand new 4k Pinball Build! Swap western digital SSD to a Teamgroup 1TB m. Case has a few small blemishes, the removable mesh top fan cover, has a crease in it, shown in pics. Thats all’s wrong! Windows 11 Pro, fully licensed and activated. AMD Ryzen 7 5700 (8 Core). 16GB DDR4 RAM -Patriot. EVGA RTX 3060 12GB OC (the 3060 12gb OC performs better than the 4060 8gb i typically use). 500GB Western Digital m2 SSD. 1TB Standard Drive to save backups to (I saved a full disk image to this drive, with ACRONIS True Image, if you ever want to recover the backup, you’ll need acronis 2021 or newer). Power Supply is a Thermaltake 600w. Please note, you must provide your own screens, this is ONLY the computer tower. Plug in 3 monitors, launch the PinUP app and go! Its as close to plug and play as you can go, screens like to rearrange sometimes when changing monitor brands, i’ll walk you through the initial config, I provide good instructions and after sales support! Ive buily 30 plus pincabs, Ive been working in IT for 20+ years. I want to sell this to someone that’s putting together a virtual pinball cabinet and needs a capable computer for a good deal, and wants to skip 100s of hours of downloads, config and recording all those preview videos. Please be familiar with the programs that run all this, and have some decent computer skills, its not hard, but you need to know your way around windows. I have over a dozen customers use this with ATGAMES 4K Cabinets, this worked perfectly! Had to do some some screen arranging, and video settings upfront, then up in going, typically under 20 minutes to get it sorted. For ATG4k, The buttons will use “XPADDER” from what ive been told, Wagners Tech Talk covers everything Atgames4k related, so i highly recommend his youtube channel! Currently running the LATEST tables as of August 2024, running the latest baller installer, with VPX 10.7, 10.8beta5, beta7, 10.8RC1, RC3, and rc4 with the latest pinmame, and b2s 2.1. Im very much on QUALITY over quantity, It has 260+ tables, the latest best looking stuff made for 10.7 and 10.8, if a colored rom is available, that table will have that! Dozens use Pinup Packs as well. Colored rom support works on vni, pac, and the crz/serum format. Several star wars, several batman, several star trek, XMEN, Avengers, ACDC, Metallica, Aerosmith, anything popular in the last 30 years! Its running most of the new “pinup required” type tables in VPX, like Harry Potter Goblet of Fire, Masters of the Universe, Iron Maiden, Guardians of the Galaxy, Batman 66, Darkest Dungeon, Spooky Wednesday, John Wick, and CyberRace. Every table runs pretty much stutter free, and never drops from 59-60FPS. You get the occasional stutter in a multiball, but thats been a quirk of VPX for 10years. Video card is setup for 3 screens, a 4k playfield running 60hz, a 1080p backglass, and a 15.6 FULL DMD, at 1360×768 (these 3 resolutions work perfect with a ATG 4K). Running the most demanding tables, CPU usage stayed under 30%, and video card under 60%, for the most part, so lots of room left as games get more advanced down the road. All VPX and FP tables have had preview videos recorded for playfield, and backglass. If there was a FULLDMD frame available, that game has that DMD video recorded as well. This took a LOT of time getting about 700 videos recorded for pinup popper. Most playfield videos were took in 1080 format, from my previous build, but a lot have been re-recorded in 4k, you can do that with just a few clicks as well! Future pinball runs 11 tables, the current’good’ tables that FP has. (the latest batch of the PinEvent tables). Software is in’default’ locations, so its where it should be expected. IF you connect 3 screens, in the same order, and same resolutions as my setup, all 3 screens should be oriented correctly, and it work as soon as you plug it up. (this NEVER is the case with ATG4k, but its not bad getting it setup right). You need to be decent at using computers, installing games and software, basic use and understanding, this is 7 or 8 programs all working together the best they can, and you will have to make adjustments, troubleshoot, and so on, over time, as needed. NOTE: If you screens get out of order, i will provide printed out tips, and try to help you the most i can, that’s something almost impossible to troubleshoot without being there, there’s LOTS of information on the forums and youtube for getting that squared away. The biggest part of this hobby is playing with everything and learning how it works. I recommend you make a full copy of the SSD drive, so you have a rock solid working image, before you make any changes, this will save your life when you do updates and upgrades later on, and it goes sideways. You have a full 1TB secondary storage drive for this, so whatever backup solution you decide to go with, you have somewhere to save it.